Funny Tinder Replies to Whats Your Story

You have a match.

But your conversation is dying.

What Tinder questions should I ask to keep the convo alive?

Read on and get:

  • The best 100+ funny, deep & interesting Tinder questions
  • How to get your Tinder match to chase you
  • 10 Texts that always work
  • The 36 questions to ask, that make your match fall in love with you (proven by science)
  • A childhood game that gets her to reply fast
  • Bad boy teases she likes to hear
  • Funny dilemmas that get her panties wet
  • 10 Tinder questions I often use in chat (and on the Tinder date)
  • And much more…

Do you prefer video? Some of the best Tinder questions I've explained in the following YouTube video.

I give extra tips there on how to use the questions sucessfully:

The #1 thing to remember here

Let's not beat around the bush here and waste no time:

The conversation sin on Tinder is…

Being generic.

There's too much of that.

So you're about to learn how to stand out and ask exciting questions.

Which means being different.

A little more extreme, dramatic and zany.

No middle of the road Tinder questions at TextGod.

Before we get started, know there are different types of questions.

Each has its own perfect timing.

And you'll learn exactly when that is.

Starting with comedy.

Would you rather…

Stave off boredom with a childhood favorite.

The game of Would you rather.

If you've ever been a kid, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

If this game is new to you, you're an alien.

In which case, "Nanu nanu."

Would you rathers are one of the best Tinder questions.

So here's 10 that have a 69% response rate.

Would you rather have a cat with a human face or a dog with human hands?

Would you rather have a boyfriend who is stinking rich and ugly? Or a friend who is dirt poor and handsome?

Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life or constantly feel like you have to sneeze?

Would you rather fight Mike Tyson once or talk like Mike Tyson for the rest of your life?

Would your rather be surrounded by people who brag all the time or by people who constantly complain?

Would you rather speak every language fluently or play every instrument perfectly?

Would you rather Win $50,000 or let your best friend win $500,000?

Would you rather be stung by a thousand bees or stomp a kitten?

Would you rather be with the person you love forever, but also wear a shirt made out of their pubes, or be alone for the rest of your life but wear whatever you want?

Your dad and boyfriend switch bodies (Freaky Friday style). The only way to switch them back is to have sex with them, lights on and sober. Who do you pick?

Most of these Tinder questions are mild.

Let's spice it up!

Would you rather… (DIRTY VERSION)

Get yourself a reply and get her hot with the same question.

The Would you rather-format creates all sorts of dilemmas.

Including naughty ones.

Let me show you what I mean.

But first a word of caution:

Use these questions too early and you'll seem like a creep.

Only play the dirty Would you rather if you're hitting it off.

To play it safe, only ask them on the date when you KNOW she already respects you.

Second word of caution:

Bring protection, because she may get carried away and jump you.

When she'd rather do you than answer more questions.

Let's get started.

Would you rather have one partner or multiple partners?

Would you rather watch a girl-on-girl video or guy-on-guy video to turn yourself on?

Would you rather pay for sex or get paid for sex?

Would you rather swallow or spit?

Would you rather be on top or underneath?

Would you rather receive oral or give oral?

Would you rather bring another person in bed or cheat on your partner?

Would you rather have sex with the lights on or off?

Would you rather have romantic sex or rough sex?

Would you rather end a good first date with sex or with a passionate kiss?

Maybe it's not the time for dirty talk.

Perhaps your Tinder match thinks you like her a little too much and need to slow down.

Hit the brakes on the conversation with the next set of Tinder questions.

The bro treatment

You're going to put an end to boring conversations with these questions.

But first something important.

Most guys drive the convo to Boresburg, because they treat her like a rainbow farting princess:

They're too polite.

The cure?

Treat her like a bro.

Bro, do you ever sit down too fast and accidentally crush your lady balls?

How many 4th graders do you think you can take on at once?

Real talk. Why should I let you into my fraternity?

Dude, your hands are enormous. You're definitely packing.

Did you know we've never seen a gorilla at full strength? They don't own any barbells

Did you know guys watch Oprah? He's called Joe Rogan

Why are dudes always on their 'hustle' or 'grind'?

Why do bros have such a problem with gay dudes, but invent a sport where you wear tights and hug each other?

The bro treatment is good for three reasons:

  1. She begins to slightly doubt herself
    1. Did he call me a dude because he really sees me as a friend?
    2. Am I acting mannish?
    3. Does he not find me sexy?
  2. You start to relax because you're treating her like one of the boys.
  3. You stop giving a phuck. And get rid of the pedestal worshipping vibe.

Before we move on, know that I never look at my bro's hands to check their penis size.

We just pull our pants down.

Next up, the RuPaul Method.

Turn catty

When all else fails, kill the boring virus by turning into a bitchy cat.


*licks anus*

These questions are a bit more delicate and can quickly sound insulting.

So if you use them, be sure to:

  • Use a GIF to show the right tone of voice (on Tinder)
  • Make them sound funny by putting on a funny voice (in person)

I usually roleplay a girl called Becky.

She comes from Cali and wears black leggings with ugg boots.

Anyway, let's begin.

The next three questions are easy to use on Tinder:

That's a nice dress. Don't you think it'd look better on me?

Do you think Walmart still has any of those shoes left?

Who picked your outfit? Your mom?

Again, when on Tinder, add a gif.

Preferably one that makes you look a little goofy. And hopefully innocent.

I like this one:

Does she have gym selfies?


A lot of women like to wear skin-tight yoga pants to the gym, so a fitting question is:

Did the camel already call? He wants his toe back.

Unless she wants to show off her clam, she damn well knows you're kidding.

Is she not being particularly fun? (The next question actually works even better when the convo is going well.)

Throw her this one:

Do you get friendzoned a lot?

The next three are best suited for on the date.

Imagine you're walking together and she breaks formation to cross the road or throw something in the trash.

Now ask her this:

To throw away my chewing gum

That line subtly says that you don't need her.

She may even take it seriously and try to get you to stay, which only increases your attraction.

Two more lines that playfully push her away:

O my god! You have something on your face.

And the next:

What did you do to your hairdresser?

Well… someone butchered your hair

Her replies may not sound like she's having fun.

But if you ask your questions jokingly, she definitely will.

Now for texts that always work!

10 Texts that always work

Some lines are just better than others. And those golden lines are waiting for you in this tip.

Texting girls on Tinder never goes 100% as expected.

For example.

She may take hours to respond. Perhaps even days.

You can feel her slipping away.

So when she finally replies, you turn into a happy puppy.

When she ignores you for days and finally says, "haha".

But unlike a real puppy, your unconditional love scares her away…


So what do you do instead?

Let me show you.

Here's a girl that took a while to reply:

The second she texted back I wrote:


I went completely overboard.

I pretended to make her reply the most important thing in my life.

Because I went to such an extreme, I breathed new life into the conversation.

She laughs and even calls me 'babyboy'.

That's only one of my 10 Texts That Always Work.

The other 9 texts solve different problems.

  • Like what to send after you get her number
  • Funny answers to standard questions
  • How to ask her on the date
  • When you don't know what to say
  • And more…

To get the rest, click the link below.

Don't worry The 10 Texts That Always Work Collection is free.

Enjoy, brochacho.

Next up, roleplay.

Blow life into the conversation with your imagination

Here's a great line that works as an opener and can take you down multiple scenarios:

Let me give you three examples.

Do you like roleplay? #1

Great. You can be any actress you want and I'll be Harvey Weinstein.

You're resisting too much. I guess I'll have to be Bill Cosby.

Next, instead of Harvey Weinstein we'll play a nurse.

Do you like roleplay? #2

*presses nurse call button*

I pooped my pants. I need you to change them and my sheets immediately.

Now for a third scenario, using the same line!

Do you like roleplay? #3

You begin your quest in a dark tavern. The sounds of drunken orcs and gnomish bards fill the halls. The tavern keep rouses you from your pint of ale. "If you don't mind getting your hands dirty, there's coin in it for ya."

The beauty of these three scenarios is that it throws her expectations out the window.

When women read 'roleplay', they expect something naughty.

So when you talk pooped pants or drunken orcs, it's like dumping cold water over her.

Plus, your u-turn to the non-sexual makes you more attractive.


Because most dudes have a one-track mind that goes straight to her vajayjay.

By showing you aren't impressed by her jiggly parts, you make her interested.

Suddenly she has to win you over with her personality.

Her when she can't use her pussy powers on you.

If you want to push her away even further, pretend you're breaking up.

Do you know who's getting a divorce? We are. I'm keeping the dog, you can have the kids

Getting a divorce isn't only a playful push, it also implies you've been romantic partners.

And you know the saying: "If you can't dream it, you can't achieve it."

So use your role-playing to lead her down a path you want her to go.

Or forget about leading and just have fun.

Like the next two scenarios:

I don't want my parents to know I'm gay. Do you want to go on a date?

Where's the best place to hide a body?

Most of the previous questions are lighthearted and revolve around humor.

Perhaps you want to dig a little deeper.

So let's introduce…

10 Personal Tinder questions

If you dread small talk and want to dive into the real, start here.

The next set of questions goes beyond the weather or her favorite color, but never reaches her deepest and darkest fears.

So it's a happy medium.

See for yourself.

Are you an extrovert or an introvert? And would your friends and family agree?

Learning how your date sees herself versus how others see her helps you understand her nature.

(Also, are 90% of girls introverts pretending to be extroverts?)

What's the coolest thing you learned this week?

If she replies, "Khloe Kardashian's new haircut" or "The release of the first quantum computing system" you get a good idea of her favorite news sources.

What event next week are you looking forward to most?

Nobody has a ready answer, so prepare to hear her describe her average day.

What's more, this question gives you an idea of what makes your date excited.

What's on your bucket list?

if you could travel through time, where would you go and why?

What dating advice would you give your younger self?

Perk up your ears, buddy.

This is where you find out what to do and NOT to do if you want to sweep her off her feet.

What should I know about you that I would never think to ask?

From stamp collections to needing to sleep sitting up, this question guarantees a quirky answer.

You're invited onto Shark Tank or Dragon's Den. What do you pitch?

Find out what problems are important to her and if she's the next Steve Jobs.

What's something you've always wanted to do but haven't yet?

Whether her answer is "Dye my hair blue" or "Punch a whale", you know exactly how adventurous she is.

Plus, you have your idea for your second date.

What's the most embarrassing way you've been injured?

Everyone has a story of themselves being a silly goose.

Plus, shared pain is great for bonding. So get ready to tell your own story.

The above questions bring you one step closer to each other.

If that's not close enough, keep reading.

Because you're about to learn how to jump into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and instantly fall head over heels.

Questions to make her fall in love with you

Making her fall in love through an interview sounds like horseshit, but actually it's science.

The New York Times, The University of California Berkeley and more all agree…

I'm a special little boy.

Arthur Aron's 36 questions can spark intimacy.

You're about to get Aron's questions split up into three groups of 12. Every next group is more intimate than the one before.

WARNING: in some studies, half of the participants fell in love. So it's strong stuff.

Only second to the Nokia 3310.

Aron's first 12 questions of love

Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you want as a dinner guest?

Would you like to be famous? In what way?

Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you're going to say? Why?

What would constitute a perfect day for you?

When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose?

Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?

Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.

For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?

Aron's second 12 questions of love

If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?

Is there something that you've dreamt of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?

What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

What do you value most in a friendship?

What is your most treasured memory?

What is your most terrible memory?

If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?

What does friendship mean to you?

What roles do love and affection play in your life?

Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.

How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?

How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

Aron's last 12 questions of love

Make three true "we" statements each. For instance, "we are both in this room feeling…"

Complete this sentence "I wish I had someone with whom I could share…"

If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.

Tell your partner what you like about them. Be honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you've just met.

Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.

When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?

Tell your partner something that you like about them already.

What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?

Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?

Share a personal problem and ask your partner's advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.

To top it off, stare 4 minutes into each other's eyes without talking.

Congratulations, you're now in love.

Or at the very least attracted enough to each other to go on another date.

Arthur Aron's questions have just one drawback.


Your date may not be interested in doing the whole conversation.

And to be frank, doing the whole questionnaire feels a bit forced.

So simplify.

Remember a few questions from each group and ramp up the intimacy.

And instead of doing a 4-minute staredown, play a staring contest.

Whoever blinks first loses.

Over too quickly? Do a best out of three.

Do you want to feel out your date or Tinder match?

Begin here.

30 Lighthearted personal questions

Use the next questions to feel her out and create comfort.

Are you looking for the best Tinder questions to ask your match?

Then you want to know this:

The best Tinder questions are:

  1. Playful
  2. Surprising (they spike her emotions)

Good examples are the 'Would you rather' questions.

The next 30 questions are best for on the Tinder date.

What song would you want to play on your wedding day?

What would you like to get for your birthday?

If you could only put on one piece of makeup, what would it be?

What's the one compliment you get the most?

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

What's your favorite emoji?

Are you more of a romantic or skeptic?

Where do you feel the most at home?

What do you wish you cared less about?

What is your favorite pet name?

What do your friends and family call you?

What event has made you a stronger person?

Where do you go if you want to escape?

Ignoring your parents, who has had the most influence on who you are now?

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would that be?

What's your favorite physical and non-physical feature of yourself?

If you had to pick, which fictional character best represents you?

If you could be a man for a day, what's the first thing you'd do?

If you could perfect one skill, what would it be?

If you won the lottery, what would you do for work?

What's the last time you cried?

What's the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?

What's your favorite joke?

If you can be any animal, which would you be?

What's something you swear by?

What's the most important thing your life is missing?

How long did it take to make your last Instagram photo?

What do you wish more people knew about you?

How long ago did you tell someone you loved them?

How seriously do you take horoscopes?

If her answer is anything but "Not at all", that's a dealbreaker.

Now let's turn up the heat!

Hint: the next questions make for excellent Tinder questions.

25 Intimate and naughty questions

Here are 25 questions that will reveal if she likes you and turn her on.

What do you find most attractive about men?

What's the first thing you noticed about me?

What's your favorite way to be seduced?

Do you ever make the first move? If so, why?

Have you ever had sex with someone you just met?

What's your ideal one-night stand look like?

What's your most embarassing sex story?

How important are looks when you want a relationship?

What's the dirtiest thought you've ever had about a stranger?

How would you describe me to your girlfriends?

What does good sex mean to you?

How and where do you like to be touched?

What's the weirdest thing that turns you on?

Do you have any sexual fantasies?

Have you ever kissed a girl?

If a cute couple asked you to do a threesome, would you say yes?

What kind of porn turns you on the most?

Do you prefer amateur or professional porn?

What are your thoughts on toys?

Have you ever cheated on a partner or thought about it, but didn't?

What's the dirtiest thing someone said to you during sex?

I'm all sweaty.

Time to cool down.

Let's give you…

10 Tinder Questions I use

Here are ten questions that evoke feelings and get you closer to the date.

(And her panties, hihi.)

What are you most proud of?

What makes this a good question?

Because it gives her the chance to show off! And who doesn't like that?

What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?

Use it as a diving board to get from the chit-chat into the deep and personal.

What's your worst Tinder date ever?

If you ask her online, the question reveals if she is the type to go out with guys, or just chat for validation.

If you ask her in person, she'll be sucked down memory lane and realize: "Woah. This guy (read: you) is way cooler than that loser from back then."

What's something you'd love to do, but don't dare to do?

I like this question because it's personal and reveals a lot about who she is. Unlike what's her favorite snack.

Plus, it gives you an idea for a future date.

If you were locked inside Ikea for one night, what would you do?

For whatever reason, my friends and I always used to fantasize about this.

The beauty of dreaming up fantasies, is that it's very easy to make them more naughty.

In which way would you be able to fall in love with someone instantly?

A tricky question for most women. So it's hit and miss.

But when it's a hit, you know exactly how to make her fall for you.

What would you do if met your absolute dream guy at a club? And how would you seduce me?

First help her find her eyes after they shot out of the back of her skull, and straighten out your question.

Just kidding. How would you seduce 'him'?

She'll give you lots of insight into female seduction techniques. Never bad.

Plus, you'll get to know her better.

"Is that it?"

Nah, bro.

It's a template you can use to make your own funny questions.

Choose one: Whenever someone comes into your house, you start barking uncontrollably, or you wave at everyone you see.

Tailor it to your own humor.

If you could wake up tomorrow with one more quality or possibility, what would it be?:

It's a fun way to find out someone's aspirations and dreams.

Here's the last question that's great for introducing date ideas.

What would you rather have? A date with your absolute number one choice in the world, but you are their second choice. Or a date with your second choice, but you are their absolute number one choice?

Chances are she'll ask where she ranks on your dating list.

How you answer is up to you.

Now for 10 easy Tinder questions!

10 Easy Questions For Tinder

Here you'll get 10 Tinder questions and the formula for making your own.

Why most questions suck the life out of your Tinder conversations and dates, is because they're BORING.

When guys are asking these questions, the conversation is treading water.

It's a last ditch resort to keep the conversation afloat.

Some guys do slightly better and ask:

Better, because it's easy to reply to and it sheds light on her personality.

But not good enough, because she's heard the cats or dogs schtick.

So let's get creative.

  1. Flight or invisibility?
  2. Inside the house: slippers or socks?
  3. Peanut butter or Nutella?
  4. Quit coffee or never have snacks during films and series?
  5. Toilet paper: over or under?
  6. Bath or shower?
  7. Love or money?
  8. Burger or pizza?
  9. Cups in the cupboard: top side up or upside down?
  10. Dine in or delivery?

Can you see how much better these questions are?

They reveal much more about who she is.

The #1 way to open her legs soul

All the questions we discussed can save a conversation, but also kill it.

Sometimes canned lines aren't right for the moment.

When she's pouring her heart out and tears are filling her eyes, it's not the time to go:

Would you rather give or get oral?

You killing all your attraction.

The conversation asked for a different type of question.

While I can't predict what that question will be precisely.

(Hogwarts took my crystal ball away after I shot a porno called Hairy Cooter and the Sorcerer's Bone.)

I can give you the type of question that vulnerable moments demand.

An open-ended question.

Closed questions lock down the conversation by setting limits.

Whereas open questions keep the ball rolling.

Let's do a practice run.

Imagine you want to know what she likes to eat.

Here's what NOT to say:

That only gives her two options, "Yes" or "No".

What open-ended question would you ask her to get a better answer?

Hint: "What do you like to eat?" is better, but it's not a winner.

Dress it up.

Make it exciting.

Sketching a scenario is often a good idea.

Got something?


Here the first two ideas that popped into my head:

If you were on death row, and tomorrow is your last day on earth, what would you eat for dinner?

Imagine it's your birthday and you can pick your breakfast, lunch and dinner. What do you choose?

The beauty of these questions is that you're asking for her input WHILE giving value with your scenario.

What's the value?

Your scenario is an opportunity for her to surprise herself. She's likely never thought about it.

As long as your questions do more than demand a reply, it's a good one.

The solution for when you go interview mode

Asking a closed question isn't bad if you know the next technique.

Let's use a common date conversation to make the technique stick.

Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Most dudes would probably answer:


Hehe. I prefer cats. But dogs are cool too

Even though his date may reply, the above answers suffer from two problems:

  1. They don't make it easy for her to reply to
  2. They don't add value by raising her emotions

In short, it's just data.


So here's a technique that makes it super easy for her to respond, plus it raises her emotions (depending on how often she's had this conversation)…


Let's go back to our earlier example.

Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Wow! Um… Well, they comfort me when I'm down. I can tell my dog anything and not be judged. And they teach me to be a better person. They're just always so happy. It's like they love you more than they do themselves. You know?

Holy Tip:

People think you're the BEST conversationalist if you simply let them talk about a topic they love.

If you don't mind listening, asking WHY is the easiest and most effective conversation technique.

Just be careful that 'Why' doesn't become your only party trick.

That wraps up Tinder Questions.

With over a 100 questions you'll never run out of what to say.

But you may suffer from other issues.

Like a lack of matches.

That's why I'm going to give you the TextGod Toolkit.

What can you expect?

30+ Questions to discover the holes in your profile and how to fix them for more matches. Including a profile breakdown video.

10 Texts that always work. Like how to get her on the date.

And the Clickbait Opener. My highest response rate opener.

Get it for free below.

Louis Farfields

For more tips, check out these articles:

And don't forget your download below ;)

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And you can wield this power with my Clickbait opener to get quick replies.
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